Industrial Center of Uzbekistan
The FEZ "Angren" is located in the Tashkent Region of Uzbekistan and is adjacent to the densely populated Fergana Valley. This geographic location makes the FEZ "Angren" an ideal place for your company to invest in.
Privileges and preferences
When you choose to base your enterprise in the FEZ "Angren", your company will be provided with a wide range of tax and custom privileges and a guaranteed connection to the region's infrastructure and communication facilities.
Basing your enterprise in the FEZ "Angren" allows you easy access to the region's rich resources along with the cooperation of the leading enterprises of the republic.
A highly developed transportation system as well as Uzbekistan's favorable geographic location makes the FEZ "Angren" an ideal production base and provides a direct connection for the growing regional market.
Angren International Logistics Center
Angren International Logistics Center provides a full range of portal-to-portal cargo delivery services, which insure an efficient operation for any enterprise in the FEZ "Angren".