The Directorate of the FEZ “Angren”
The Directorate of the Free Economic Zone “Angren” is a state unitary company carrying out operational management of the FEZ “Angren”.
The Directorate of FEZ “Angren”:
- registers FEZ participants in accordance with the decisions of the administrative council;
- in accordance with decisions of administrative councils, signs investment agreements with investors, agreements with FEZ participants on the sale of state property at a "zero" redemption value;
- learns and researches foreign and domestic investors for the implementation of investment projects on the territory of FEZ;
- places investment projects approved by decisions of the administrative council according to the general land plan of the FEZ;
- organizes the issuance of all necessary permits for connection to the networks of engineering and communications infrastructure on "one-window" concept;
- performs systemic control over the proper implementation of the obligations of the FEZ investors, with subsequent submission of the results to the administrative council;
- manages state-owned real estate objects located on the territory of FEZ;
- ensures implementation of the development program of FEZ;
- ensures control over the improvement of the environmental situation, and also bears responsibility for the preservation of historical and cultural values located on the territory of the FEZ;
- performs other functions for the operational management of FEZ “Angren”.