Registration of the Residents of FEZ “Angren”

Registration of FEZ resident
Investor From the moment of approval by the FEZ Directorate on the expediency of implementing the investment project, investor submits documents to the registration authority at the location of the FEZ for state registration of the business entity created by it within 5 business days
Directorate and Investor

A legal entity acquires the status of a resident in the free economic zone after signing an investment agreement and including it in the Register of Residents of FEZ.

To be included in the Register of Residents of FEZ, a legal entity created by an investor should submit to the directorate of the FEZ a copy of the certificate of state registration as a legal entity and a document confirming payment of inclusion in the Register of Residents of FEZ in the amount determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic Uzbekistan.

within 2 business days
Directorate Registers and includes the legal entity in the Register of Residents of FEZ and issues a certificate of resident of FEZ in the form, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic Uzbekistan. within 2 business days from the date of registration of an entity as a resident of FEZ
Directorate Notifies the relevant tax, customs and statistics authorities within one business day after the legal entity is included in the Register of Residents of FEZ. Within 1 day