List of implemented projects in Angren FEZ
№ |
Company name |
Production |
Contact details |
80 enterprises: |
80 projects: |
1 |
JV LLC "Uz-Prista Recycling" Angren city |
Production of base oils from used technical oils |
Deputy of director: Matazimov Maxamatazim +998 93-388-05-06 olim_matazimov@yahoo.com |
2 |
FE "Hilton Trade" Angren city |
Production of plastic materials (acrylic glass, organic glass, PVC foamed sheet - fomex) and banner fabric |
Manager: Aziev Kaxramon Мuradalievich +998 78-150-10-50 Hilton_trade@mail.ru |
3 |
JV "Gold West Technology" Angren city |
Production of self-adhesive tape (adhesive tape) |
Chief Technologist: Tashkentbaev Ikrom Dadajonovich +998 97-447-41-00 Call-center +998 90-961-44-44 veropipe@yandex.ru |
4 |
LLC "Birinchi Rezinotexnika Zavodi" Angren city |
Production of conveyor belts, agricultural and automobile tires |
Sales Department: Zairov Оlimjon Таxirovich +998 78-150-32-22 Call-center +998 78-150-32-22 info@brz.uz |
5 |
JV LLC "Armaturno-izolyatorniy zavod" Angren city |
Production of linear coupling fittings and insulators |
Director: Мirxolikov Каmollidin Аkbarakievich +998 90-135-35-85 Call-center +998 71-202-13-13 aizuz_87@mail.ru |
6 |
LLC "Vista Electronics Group" Angren city |
Production of household appliances (assembly of LCD and LED televisions) |
Director: Saidov Mirxaydar Мiraxmatovich +998 90-815-25-05 nfo@premier.uz |
7 |
JV LLC "Quality Devices" Akhangaran city |
Production of microwaves in the assortment |
Director: Djalilev Tabriz Yaxyoevich +998 78-148-88-88 +998 78-150-77-07 info@artelelectronics.com |
8 |
JV LLC "Uz-Shindong silicon" Angren city |
Ferrosilicon production |
Director: Sagdiev Bobirxon Таxirjanovich +998 95-512-48-31 sagdievs@gmail.com |
9 |
LLC "Milliy Metal Sanoat" Angren city |
Production of gas equipment |
Director: Dadabaev Otabek Baxodirovich +998 97-252-44-88 |
10 |
JV LLC "National Ceramics" Angren city |
Production of glazed porcelain stoneware and ceramic tiles |
Director: Tadjibaev Аbdurashid Abduraxmonovich +998 97-740-70-07 abdurashud_tadjiboev@gamil.com |
11 |
FE LLC "Original gold ceramic" Akhangaran city |
Manufacture of architectural facing bricks |
Director: Saidakbarov Аnvar Shokirbaevich +998 999-797-55-03 |
12 |
LLC "Laziz" Akhangaran region |
Production of sanitary ceramics |
Director: Abbosov Laziz Akromxonovich +998 93-539-01-27 laziz.abbasov@gmail.com |
13 |
FE LLC "Dal Heavy Industries" Akhangaran city |
Production of metal structures for a wide range of purposes |
Account: Pirkulov Shaxobiddin Faxridinovich +998 99-403-88-78 info@dalheavy.uz |
14 |
JV LLC "Sistem Plastik" Angren city |
Production of plastic pipes, shut-off and control valves and fittings |
Director: Sayfutdinov Ziyovuddin Asamuttdinovich +998 997-429-84-20 sistem_plastik@mail.ru |
15 |
JV LLC "Iron Band" Akhangaran city |
Production of metal products in assortment (VMPL - corrugated metal profiled sheets - wall, roofing, bearing) |
Director: Хakberdieva Djamila Gamletovna +998 99-795-36-80 |
16 |
JV "Master Ideal Dizayn" Angren city |
Production of PVC profiles, aluminum composite panels, fittings for windows and doors and profiled sheeting |
Director: Sadikov Аsatulla Maratovich +998 990-350-81-03 info@vero.uz |
17 |
LLC "Ideal Plast Manufactory" Akhangaran city |
Production of drip irrigation pipes and toilet seats |
Director: Аbidov Rustam Muratjanovich +998 98-115-07-70 idealinterbiznes@yandex.ru |
18 |
JV LLC "Ahangaranskiy Trubniy Metallurgicheskiy Zavod" Akhangaran city |
Production of metal products in assortment |
Sales Department: Djumaev Rasul Zakirovich +998 90-326-08-08 Call-center +998 70-202-00-90 atmz_steel@mail.ru |
19 |
JV LLC "Great Wall Ceramic Industries" Angren city |
Production of decorative ceramic tiles and sanitary faience |
Director: Mamadjanov Маxmudjon Ахmedovich +998 99-466-14-44 shuxratovna84@inbox.ru |
20 |
JV LLC "Mega Steel Trade Pro" Akhangaran city |
Production of steel products |
Chief accountant: Хolmirzaev Baxtiyor Botirovich +998 97-772-41-90 bekmaks@mail.ru |
21 |
JV LLC "Maxproduct" Angren city |
Production of ventilation air ducts in assortment and sandwich panels with foam polystyrene and basalt filler |
Director: Xamiev Azzamjon Xasanovich +998 90-374-90-17 +998 98-338-08-08 sales@maxproduct.uz |
22 |
LLC "Amirkon Nur" |
Organization of flour milling production |
Director: Ibragimov Mirzoali +998 99 700-54-00 |
23 |
JV LLC "Mill Expo" |
Organization of flour milling production |
Director: Muxtarov Mrod +998 99 832-64-77 |
24 |
LLC "Vita Ceramic’s" Angren city |
Production of sanitary ware and ceramic tiles |
Director:Umarov Xurshid +998 990-187-03-11 Umarov.kh@gmail.com |
25 |
LLC "Bright Star Angren" Angren city |
Production of organic glass and PVC furniture edges |
Call-center +998 99-051-40-40 +998 78-051-40-40 sales@lebengruppe.com |
26 |
LLC "Golden Stella" Akhangaran city |
Production of polyethylene packaging OPP bags and polyethylene foam coated with aluminum foil |
Sales Department: Abduraximov Аbdumalik Shoabdurasulovich +998 97-455-00-77 Call-center +998 33-455-00-77 goldgranuleplast@mail.ru |
27 |
FE LLC "Arment Construction Chemicals Business" Angren city |
Production of cement and concrete additives |
Director: Salmurzaev Valid Vaxaevich +998 90-788-34-50 Call-center +998 95-340-95-95 info@armentgroup.uz |
28 |
LLC "Bricks Angren" Angren city |
Production of face ceramic bricks |
Director:Eshanchaev Akmal Аnvarovich +998 98-314-01-76 Call-center +998 98-314-01-76 bricksangren@mail.ru |
29 |
JV LLC "Steel Pipe Company" Akhangaran city |
Production of steel profile pipes (square and rectangular), steel, structural round water and gas pipes and oil pipes, welding electrodes |
Director: Sultonov Dilshodbek Iskandarovich +998 90-806-44-48 jv.steelpipe@gmail.com |
30 |
FE LLC "Teploizolyatsionnaya Kompaniya" Angren city |
Production of thermal insulation materials |
Director: Sidelyov Aleksandr Yurevich +998 90-300-10-11 Call-center +998 90 300-10-11 uz@Penoplex.ru |
31 |
FE LLC "Limax gold textile" Akhangaran city |
Production of hosiery |
Account: Хusainova Nasiba Sadulaevna +998 97-464-55-59 limaxgoldtextile@mail.ru |
32 |
LLC "Ahangaran Hygienic Pro" |
Organization of the production of baby diapers in the assortment | Director: Umarov Mumin +998 91 775-61-60 |
33 |
LLC "Trend Tex" Akhangaran city |
Manufacture of sewing products |
Director: Isaev Ulugbek Zoxidovich +998 97-775-77-33 |
34 |
JV LLC "Egida -Simaks" Akhangaran city |
Production of elastic polyurethane foam (PUF) and products in the assortment based on it |
Sales Department: Zakirov Sodikjon Sabirdjanovich +998 93-387-33-31 Call-center +998 70-202-07-77 |
35 |
LLC "Xamkor nur savdo" Akhangaran city |
Leather production |
Director: Rustam Мirzaxmedov +998 90-919-08-23 hamkornursavdo@mail.ru |
36 |
LLC "Angren Charm Invest" Angren city |
Full-cycle leather production (leather finish) |
Manager: Karimov Nasim Yakubovich +998 91-340-97-73 |
37 |
FE LLC "Angren shakar" Akhangaran region |
Production of a new modern sugar factory |
Director: Аkbarxodjaev Rustam Shavkatovich +998 71-202-00-17 info@angrenshakar.uz |
38 |
JV LLC "Top Oil" Angren city |
Production of fat and oil products |
Director: Мelibaev Baxtiyar Gulamjonovich +998 97-710-00-10 Call-center +998 88-210-00-00 sp.topil@mail.ru |
39 |
LLC "Grain Oil Flour" Angren city |
Vegetable oil production |
Director: Soxibov Хondamirjon Paroxitdinovich +998 98-570-00-40 grainiolflour@yandex.ru |
40 |
LLC "Agro Sammix" Akhangaran city |
Production of feed additives (premixes) |
Director: Fuzaylov Shoxrux Ilxomovich +998 97-480-04-04 Call-center +998 70-201-00-02 info@yoursite.com |
41 |
LLC "Progress Business-Industry" Akhangaran city |
Production of vegetable oil in assortment (sunflower, soy, safflower) |
Director: Isamov Аzizbek Ilxomovich +998 91-404-00-40 Accountant: Yusupova Mukaddas Farxadovna +998 994-426-30-20 m.f.yusupova@mail.ru |
42 |
LLC "Bumfa Group Asia" Angren city |
Production of medical cotton wool |
Director: Dodojonov Shakirjon Kamilovich +998 94-406-72-55 HamidovaRR@bumfa.ru |
43 |
FE "Eco Gigiyenik" Akhangaran city |
Production of baby diapers
Director: Umarov Mumin Мavlonovich +998 99-303-76-84 Call-center +998 95-194-12-12 ecogigienik@mail.ru |
44 |
LLC "Polimaks" Angren city |
Production of label and packaging products in the assortment |
Sales Department:Murodova Kamola Xaydarxojaeva +998 98-124-33-83 Call-center +998 71-253-13-38 polimaks@mail.ru |
45 |
LLC "Finist Invest" Akhangaran city |
Production of dyed polyester and cotton yarns, bags based on biaxially oriented polypropylene film bags, biaxially oriented polypropylene film BIO-PP |
Sales Department: Choriev Farxod +998 93-221-40-01 +998 97-215-404 finist-invest@mail.ru |
46 |
JV LLC "Tianrun" Akhangaran city |
Production of polymer packaging in the assortment |
Director: Umarbekov Murodjon Аbdumannopovich +998 97-888-77-66 Call-center +998 97 888-77-66 umarbekov1994@gmail.com |
47 |
LLC "Silk Plast Quality" Akhangaran city |
Production of polymer pipes for hot, cold water supply and sewerage, fittings |
Deputy Director: Nabiev Аnvar Ganievich +998 90 955-60-52 |
48 |
JV LLC "Creative Group" Akhangaran city |
Production of packaging and masking tape, dioctyl terephthalate (LOFT) |
Manager: Zaxidova Dilfuza Baxadirovna +998 90-980-23-14 Call-center +998 71-280-32-73 vintek.plast@mail.ru |
49 |
LLC "Angren Steel Company" Angren city |
Manufacture of fasteners - self-tapping screws |
Director: Rizaev Xusnutdin Nurutdinovich +998 91 165-27-72 Call-center +998 95-900-02-20 info@prommetiz.uz
50 |
JV LLC "Singlemix Industry" Angren city |
Production of technical alcohol |
Call-center +998 71-231-10-22 singlemixindustry@gmail.com |
51 |
JV LLC "Invest Zone" Akhangaran city |
Production of electric-welded straight-seam water and gas-conducting steel pipes and channels made of hot-dip galvanized, hot-rolled and cold-rolled steel |
Director: Nurlanov Каxramon Аbdurasulovich +998 98-101-11-13 |
52 |
LLC "East Mining Invest" Akhangaran city |
Production of autoclave aerated concrete blocks in the assortment |
Director: Аbduraxmonov Ibroxim Boxodirovich +998 93 314-26-52 info@arton.uz |
53 |
LLC JV "American Sweets" Angren city |
Production of confectionery and gum production of chocolate |
Director: Inogamov Аnvar Мirxamatovich +998 99 777-00-12 |
54 |
LLC "Angren Ca Petrochemicals" Angren city |
Production of oil and oil and metal containers for industry |
Director: Ruzmatov Shaxzod Tuxtapulatovich +998 90 981-05-99 |
55 |
LLC "Elmuraz" |
Production of production of flour and flour products |
Director: Nigmatov Elmurod Umirovich +998 99 938-10-01 |
56 |
JV LLC "Li Da Metall Technology" |
Organization of production of metal products (fittings and metal in ingots) | General manager: Vahidov Islom +998 90 111-18-08 |
57 |
LLC FE "Sigma Techno Production" Akhangaran region |
Production of a wide range of modern electrical products |
Director: Yuldashev Ravshan Коmil ogli +998 97 753-57-70 |
58 |
LLC JV "Angren Insulation" Angren city |
Teploisolyasion material production (mineral cotton from glass fiber) |
Director: Аbdulaev Asker Аlievich +998 77 707-60-93 |
59 |
LLC "Uz Pro Label" Angren city |
Production of SPP tape and flexible polymer package |
Director: Кim Sergey Pavlovich +998 90 957-85-44 |
60 |
LLC FE "Ruiqing Industrial Co" Akhangaran city |
Production of PVC panels and decorative polymer film (PVC and heat transfer PET) |
Director: Оlimov Хоjiakbar Аdxam ogli +998 90 133-06-66 |
61 |
LLC JV "Premier Electrotech" Akhangaran region |
Production of washing machines and refrigerators |
Director: Saidov Mirxaydar Мiraxmatovich +998 99 815-25-05 |
62 |
JS FE "Angren Pack" Angren city
Production of cardboard, paper and corrugated sheets |
Director: Semenov Кonstantin Pavlovich +998 93 182-77-15 |
63 |
LLC JV "Lux-Stone" Angren city
Production of plates from glass crystal | Director: Каrimov Davron Ravshanovich
+998 99 794-77-88 |
64 |
LLC FE "Ecoton Sharq" Angren city |
Production of autoclave aerated concrete blocks |
Director: Bajenov Igor Vladimirovich +998 99 258-01-20 |
65 |
LLC JV "Pak-Merit Bleaching Clay" Akhangaran region |
Production of activated bleach clay |
Director: Nurov Sherali Gulmurodovich +998 88 669-26-00 |
66 |
LLC "Intisoar Near" Angren city |
Production of synthetic zeolite | Director: Sadikov Хamidulla Хаyrullaevich
+998 97 702-97-79 |
67 |
LLC FE "Yuanxin" Akhangaran city |
Emitter drip tape and fittings for drip irrigation system | Director: HOU LIANG
+998 99 656 68 88 Chief accountant: Allakulova Nilufar Tadjibaevna +998 94 217 20 79
68 |
LLC "Shou Guan" Angren city |
Production of textile products (caps) | Director: Chen Jian Min
+998 90 178-69-99 |
69 |
JV LLC "Lux Ceramics Group" |
Organization of production of glazed porcelain stoneware | Sobirdjonov Muhammad Abdulaziz +998 90 350-70-00 Ibragimov Sharofjon Esanboyevich +998 90 971-55-54 |
70 |
LLC "The Big Way Development" Akhangaran city |
Footwear production | Director: Тusmatova Mexribonu
+998 99 366-22-14 |
71 |
LLC "Eden-Pipe Production Group" Angren city |
Production of PVC pipes for double-layer corrugated and sewage from polyethylene | Director: Nabiev Тоxir
+998 88 202-55-50 |
72 |
LLC "Ohangaron Tabiiy Charm" Akhangaran city |
Leather treatment | Director: Мuslimov Sanjarbek
+998 93 151-05-50 |
73 |
LLC "Mega Ceramic Group" Akhangaran city |
Ceramic tile production | Director: Тoirov Каmoliddin
+998 98 070-18-19 |
74 |
LLC "Central Asia Chemicals" Angren city |
Production of sodium laureth sulfate (LSN), alkyl benzene sulfonic acid (LABS) and laundry detergent | Director: Botirov Аzizbek
+998 99 107-00-36 |
75 |
JV LLC "Metall Rolling Products" Akhangaran city |
Complex production of metal products | Director: Faxriddinov Sherzod
+998 99 795-36-80 |
76 | LLC "Happy Life Solutions" | Organization of the production of diapers in the assortment and hygiene products for women |
Director: Nasimov Odil +998 94 180-35-59 |
77 | LLC "Angren Flex Chemicals" | Organization of production of polyester alkyd resin and acrylic copolymer |
Director: Nurov Samandar +998 99 161-10-00 |
78 | LLC "Soya Protein Company" | Organization of production of highly concentrated soy proteins (insulators and concentrates) by deep processing of soybeans |
Founder: Xoshimov Bahtiyor +998 97 709-09-94 |
79 | LLC "Sanjik Shod" | Organization of vegetable oil production |
Director: Ostonov Faxriddin +998 99 109-55-58 |
80 | LLC "Sof Mega Tekstil" | Organization of production of knitted fabrics and knitted products |
Director: Tulyaganov Fahriddin +998 90 995-39-38 |